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February 23, 2025 · laup wing

The 4 steps to learn coding in 2025 as a beginner

No. AI Will Not Replace Developers.

This is a common myth floating around the internet, and it’s all the hype nowadays. A lot of people are scared to start learning to code because they feel like it’ll be a waste of time.

Now, this article isn’t about why AI won’t replace developers, but I think it’s important to touch on it. Why? Because I’m about to break down the steps to learning to code, and if you’re skeptical right from the start, that wouldn’t be a great mindset to have.

Let me put it simply: Who’s going to operate the AI? Who’s going to check the code AI generates?
Exactly. You need a solid understanding of coding to properly use the code AI spits out. And you need to know what kind of questions to ask AI in the first place.

I’d even argue that people who know how to code properly will make even more money because of AI. Not only can you code way faster, but AI also enables you to build applications that were straight-up impossible to create before.

Take my AI diet calculator as an example. Before AI, you’d need a super complex algorithm to generate recipes that fit your macros. But with AI? I built that entire app in just a few days.

So yeah, learning to code is absolutely worth it—especially right now. Throughout history, whenever a groundbreaking technology emerges, the people who fully take advantage of it are the ones who make the most money.

Look at the crypto boom a few years ago. That wasn’t even that groundbreaking. But AI? That’s a whole different beast.

But Why Should You Listen to Me?


My Story

At first glance, I might just look like your average gym bro (which, yeah, I kinda am), but I’m also a massive nerd. I’ve always been super into computers and coding, but I never actually learned it properly until about 8 years ago.

Back then, I was in college studying web design, which didn’t involve much coding. So I decided to teach myself.

Now, when most people say they’ve been coding for 8 years, they’re not counting the weeks or months they took off. Not me. Douche alert incoming: I have been coding daily for 8 years straight. No breaks. No excuses.

So yeah, despite looking like an absolute meathead, I do know how to code.

During these 8 years of daily coding, I’ve made a ton of mistakes. Learned a lot. Worked in the industry for 3-4 years. Took on a bunch of freelance gigs. And, yeah, made even more mistakes along the way.

Lucky for you, I’m about to teach you the 7 steps to learning how to code in 2025—without making the same mistakes I did. That way, you’ll get results way faster.

Let’s get into it.

The 4-Step System

It’s crucial that you follow the 7-step system in order. Especially nowadays, with the rise of AI, information is more accessible than ever—even faster than when the internet first came out. But along with that speed comes a massive downside:


And trust me, I get it. You want to go fast. You want to learn to code as quickly as possible. But if you try to rush the process, you’re going to overload your brain, get overwhelmed, and eventually burn out. Then, before you know it, you’ve dropped coding altogether because it felt like too much.

You want to avoid that at all costs.

If you think learning fitness and nutrition can be overwhelming, wait until you get into coding. It’s a thousand times more information, and it’s way more mentally taxing. So do yourself a favor: follow the steps, go at a steady pace, and don’t fry your brain.

That being said, let’s get into Step 1:

Step 1: Pick Your Field

In coding, there are multiple fields you can dive into. You’ve got:

  • AI algorithm development

  • Game development

  • Backend development

  • Web development

  • Data science

See the problem already? Step 1 alone can cause you to overthink like crazy.

Let me make it simple for you.

Begin With the End in Mind

Ask yourself: Why do you want to code?

  • Is it for money?

  • Is it for freedom of location?

If you answered yes to either, then the best field for you is web development.

Why Web Development?

  1. It’s the easiest to get into – Compared to AI, data science, or backend development, web development has a lower barrier to entry.

  2. It’s the most versatile – You can build websites, web apps, and even transition into other fields later.

  3. Freelance opportunities are everywhere – Small businesses need websites, which means there’s constant demand for web developers.

With other fields:

  • It’s harder to break into.

  • It’s harder to find freelance gigs.

That’s why I 100% recommend starting with web development—unless you have an undying passion for game development, in which case, go for it.

The rest of the steps will focus on web development, but honestly? The same principles apply to any field.

Step 2: Start with the Fundamentals

In web development (and other fields), there’s a ridiculous number of fancy frameworks you can use. Web development, in particular, is notorious for having way more frameworks than necessary.

You’ve got React, Vue, Next.js, Svelte, and a whole bunch more.

And once again, here’s where you can overthink yourself into oblivion.

My recommendation?

Skip them all at first. Start with the basics of web development:

  1. HTML

  2. CSS

  3. JavaScript

In that exact order.

Why Start with the Fundamentals?

Sure, frameworks make development faster and more efficient, but if you skip the fundamentals, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Here’s the problem:

If an error pops up that has nothing to do with the framework itself but is a JavaScript issue, you’ll have no clue how to fix it—because you skipped learning vanilla JavaScript in the first place.

🚨 That’s a disaster waiting to happen.

And trust me, this happens a lot. People jump straight into a framework like Next.js without knowing basic JavaScript. Maybe they manage to build an app that somewhat works, but the moment they hit an error (which WILL happen, don’t worry), they’re completely lost.

So What’s the Right Approach?

Take a little extra time now to master the fundamentals, and you’ll set yourself up for long-term success.

So again: Start with HTML, move to CSS, and then dive into JavaScript.

Step 3: Follow 1-2 Tutorials

For each language—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—what you want to do is follow one or two tutorials at maximum.

It is very easy to fall into the trap of consuming tutorial after tutorial. There are just so many of them out there, and if you’re anything like me, you want to know everything about a language before you even start coding.


You should stick to 1 or 2 tutorials max. Choose one with decent views on YouTube, a blog post, or even a Udemy course. Then, code along with the person teaching it.

At first, you’ll have no clue what you’re doing. But the worst thing you can do is just sit there, staring at the screen without actually typing along or making an effort to understand.

If you type along, the knowledge will stick with you a lot longer.

And here’s a really important sidenote—one that you should not ignore:


Seriously, don’t do that.

Instead, focus on understanding the bigger picture—why something is used, rather than every single syntax detail. Especially nowadays, with AI around, you don’t want to overload your brain with stuff that isn’t necessary.

Back in the day, I fell into the trap of trying to memorize every syntax I came across. I even wrote them down in a little notebook, thinking that would help.

Well… let me tell you—that was a massive waste of time.

Especially with AI around.

Step 4: Build Your Own Projects

Now that you’ve watched a couple of tutorials, you need to prevent falling into tutorial hell. That’s why I specifically told you to stop after 2 tutorials.

So, what is tutorial hell?

It’s a super common trap for self-taught developers—watching tutorial after tutorial, thinking you’ll feel “ready” someday.

But guess what?

You’ll never feel ready.

So, what happens? People keep watching more tutorials just to reduce their feeling of inadequacy.

Let me be blunt:

That feeling never goes away. So you might as well get used to it.

The solution is simple:

👉 Build your own projects based on what you learned from the tutorials.

This forces you to apply your knowledge immediately. And honestly, this is the opposite of what the school system has taught us.

In school, we’re trained to learn everything before applying it. We study for a test, and only after we know “enough” do we take it.

But in the real world?

You have to apply what you’ve learned right away, fail, and learn from that failure.

In a way, the school system has screwed us when it comes to real-world problem-solving. But that’s a topic for another day.

For example:

  • If you just learned CSS, build your portfolio website.

  • If you just learned JavaScript, add some browser functionality to that portfolio.

Apply your knowledge immediately—that’s the best way to learn to code.



Final Words

These are the four steps I would take to learn to code.

You probably noticed I haven’t mentioned AI at all.

And that’s on purpose.

I honestly believe that you need to learn coding on your own first before asking AI for help.

If you bring AI into the process too early, you won’t actually learn how to code properly. You’ll rely too much on AI to teach you instead of using it to assist you.

This is a real problem for new developers. I’m genuinely worried that the next generation of coders will be the worst coders on the planet if they lean on AI too soon.

Don’t let that be you.

After you’ve followed these four steps for about six months, you can slowly introduce AI into your workflow.

By then, you’ll understand the bigger picture.

And if you’re really stubborn about using AI earlier, I’d only recommend using it to explain concepts—and even then, always cross-check what it tells you by searching online yourself.

That’s it for this article. Hopefully, it was useful.

Now get out there and start coding! 🚀

Best version of yourself

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